Saturday, November 3, 2012

Practicing Google Forms

Today in class, we practiced making our own google forms. I was surprised by how simple this was. (Kudos to Google for making really cool things easy to make). On the Ed Tech website, my teacher used a google form to learn more about the students in our class. For example, she wanted to know what other courses we were taking, if we worked, and if we lived on campus. When we submitted the form, the information was automatically put into a Google Doc.

As a teacher, Google forms have endless possibilities. I could have parents fill out information about their kids, such as birthdays and food allergies. It's also a great way to get to know the parents more. My practice form below has some examples of some information I might ask for. If I wanted the students themselves to be practicing using google forms, I could make up a form with their spelling words for the week (an idea that was mentioned to us in class). I like the idea of having parents help their kids get used to using the computer each week.

My favorite part about this form is the adorable background. Where does Google come up with this stuff? They make me look so tech savvy-- I love it!

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