Thursday, September 6, 2012

Critical Thinking Reflection #1

Photo by Lexie Flickinger/Brad Flickinger.

Critical Thinking Reflection #1

Brad’s Educational Technology Bill of Rights is phenomenal! I wish that my school would have been more accepting of technology. For example, he suggests that teachers make use of the fact that students are on social networking sites. I love the idea of using Facebook to communicate with students, because it would get the job done much more effectively than other forms of communication. Facebook is what kids use, and if teachers are willing to use it too, students are going to respond well. I also think the part about Wikipedia is interesting. Teachers talk so vehemently about Wikipedia, but I really don’t see the problem with using it, as long as the information is verified. Wikipedia is a fast way to get a summary about any topic in the world. Finally, I love his last commandment, “I have the right to be taught by teachers that know their trade.” As a teacher in training, I’m excited to prepare myself to be the best possible teacher I can be. If I don’t learn as much as I can, I’m not teaching up to my full potential.
The comments on the post are very mixed. Several people commend his writing, saying that they will be using his ideas in their own classroom. Other comments aren’t as supportive. One person goes so far as to say the list “infuriates” him or her, because there are legal complications that Brad fails to mention. Another comment says that his list is unrealistic for the world we live in. Whether one agrees with the entire list or not, it is safe to say that Brad Flickinger is passionate about technology, and everyone can learn something from him.

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